The StarLog Blog
Follow along with me while I build StarLog. I'll take a simple app idea and bring it to life. Along the way I'll explore unfamiliar technologies, solve unexpected problems, and (hopefully) create something I can actually use for one of my favorite hobbies!
StarLog Links
All Posts
- MVP Wrap-Up [11/12/2021]
- Creating and Deleting [10/31/2021]
- The Vertical Slice [10/5/2021]
- Celestial Searches Revisited [9/23/2021]
- Authentication [9/17/2021]
- The SvelteKit Refactor [9/12/2021]
- Celestial Searches [8/29/2021]
- The Carbon Refactor [8/20/2021]
- Proof of Concept [6/16/2021]
- Laying the Foundation [5/24/2021]
- The Project Roadmap [5/19/2021]
- Introduction [5/18/2021]